Ok, after months of experimentation, and huge calluses on the palms of my hands, (see my post: Of Hunched Shoulders and Callused Hands) I have finally found a cheap and reliable solution to walker handle discomfort!
I’d tried all different things to make the handle easier on my hands…from wrapping quilt batting around, to the foam tubing that is designed to go around pipes, even to wearing a pair of oven mitts! But nothing held up for extended periods of time. But today my mom brought home a pool noodle from the dollar store, and w o w, it worked magnificently! And at 5 feet long there is enough to last me a few weeks. (They tend to split after a few days, because the interior diameter of the noodle is not as wide as the circumference of the handle.) I cut off a 6-7 inch length, and then cut that in half. Then I cut along the length of each piece so I could slip it over the handles. It is admittedly a rather wide grip that you end up with, but it not only is very comfortable, it stays put without moving around, and the styrofoam seems extremely resistant to breaking down. Hallelujah! Go out and get yourself one! (And get outta the way, I’m a walkering!)
-Cassandra, Charcotchacha copyright 2015